Help us continue to add to Australia's
arid zone desert knowledge

"Scientific expeditions and surveys mounted by vehicle or helicopter move fast, and miss the context of what they see and find. The knowledge they gather is point by point, and incomplete, while teams who walk on foot, with their equipment borne beside them, can reach deeper into empty, untracked country, and once there can proceed in slow, focused fashion, alert to all it holds."
Nicolas Rothwell,
Slow Train To Kallakoopah

Your support helps us continue to build capacity toward our scientific survey program, and increase our knowledge of the remote Australian deserts.
Donating to Australian Desert Expeditions supports:
the collection, analysis, publication and dissemination of field data
building graduate employment opportunities
further expansion of our current research partnerships within the public and private sectors
All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.
Donate to Australian Desert Expeditions